Mystery! Adventure! Oversized Heads.
It looks like you have found yourself smack dab in the midst of Chibu.
Two ages ago, the assorted and delightfully peculiar cultures of Chibu were quite content living on their own isolated bits of land, separated by an ocean that, if it were a person, would’ve been described as having anger management issues. But then came the event that the locals, with a distinct lack of imagination, simply called The Great Merging. In one grand cosmic shuffle, the islands came together. Cultures collided, and the elemental beings—who had been peacefully minding their own tempestuous business—decided it was high time to throw a tantrum across the land. This was, of course, the Second Age, known for its whirlwind of tumultuous events and spectacular disasters.
But that was then. Now, with the existential chaos a little less… well, existential, the Chibans and the elementals have reached a sort of grudging understanding. Welcome to the Third Age — a time of curiosity, discovery, and quite a lot of wandering about!

If you ask a Kingdomian to mark the center of the world on a map, it shant be a difficult task. They will swiftly point out their capital city of Gamilot, presided over his majesty, the regal King Goeffrey.
The King's interests are served by his Guild of Paladins — 7 in total — each more mighty than the last, who keep the Kingdom's many haughty lords and angsty peasants in good order.

The dense, dangerous, and unforgiving jungles are where this land get's its name. But the tribes that inhabit it are as varied as the flora and fauna that grow there. From dinosaurs and chiban-eating plants, to giant insects and fish in every color of the rainbow, you could explore Jun'gera for a thousand years and never see a fraction of all it contains.
The Jun'gerans once lived at peace with the wood elemental spirits of the jungle, but following a dark era in their history, in which a great empire was forged by the Rex'as and his 5 ruthless warlords, their relationship with the elementals and each other has grown complex.
Gyptia & Nuba
of the river Sêt

The Kingdom of Gyptia and the Nuban people to the south have had a long and strained history.The Gyptians, who love to build giant things out of stone, study esoteric secrets of the cosmos, and adorn themselves in gemstones and, most of all, gold, have never understood the simple, agricultural Nubans. The Nubans, who are best known for their honesty and skills with a bow, are largely unimpressed with their busy neighbors to the north.
And perhaps these two peoples could have lived peaceful lives side by side... unfortunately the land of the Nubans is extremely rich in gold. And this meant the Gyptians had to have it. After centuries of rule under the Gyptians, a recent Nuban uprising has reclaimed the land, conquering the Golden City of Kermi. Now that the Nubans are in control of half of this mighty empire, who knows how it might effect their common sensibilities...

Pissing off a Vykor is like trying to shave a wild bear with a rusty spoon... it's a very bad idea that will probably leave you with a weird scar that your grandmother will ask you about.
Rugged, seafaring folk — every Vykor is tough as nails. No exceptions!
And to prove who is the toughest of the all, clans are constantly raiding and pillaging each other. All in the name of good fun and healthy competition of course.
the warring states of

The rival states of Xia have known little peace in their remembered history. But the fierce rivalries and clashing cultures have given birth to refined customs, delicate craftsmanship, and perhaps most of all, deadly martial arts.
Here's a cheat sheet you can reference:
Zhan | Element: Earth | Martial Style: Organized, grounded
Tahli | Element: Fire | Martial Style: Energetic, aggressive
Monoku | Element: Wood | Martial Style: Unpredictable, adaptable
Kyojin | Element: Metal | Martial Style: Efficient, precise
Dao'xin | Element: Water | Martial Style: Flowing, redirecting​​

The vast plains and rolling hills of these unnamed lands are inhabited by a diverse variety of roaming tribes. Their connection with the creatures they shepherd, from the swift prairie dogs (pictured left) to the giant yak, and even the swift flacons that they ride through the skies, is ancient and profound.
You'll find no greater riders in all of Chibu. A Nomad toddler could casually thread a needle aback a star-eyed blaze ferret at full gallop after a hearty lunch.

Think of the the best person you've ever met. Now imagine their twice as good looking. You now have an accurate representation of a below-average elf. At least, that's what an elf thinks.
They are, however, annoying skilled at just about everything and, let's face it, as good looking as a hot bath in a snow storm.
These forest dwellers aren't all that bad once you get past their confident nature. In fact, they can be surprisingly helpful and kind. Is there anything wrong with them? I don't know what that is, but if you must find out just go ask a dwarf.

The dwarves are cave dwelling mountain folk with a love for the finer things in life... digging holes and beer!
Most loathe to come out to the surface, lest they get a sunburn or, even worse, run into a elf. Since the the Great Merging, they do have some contact with surface dwellers however. Their love for foreign materials, crafts, and technologies make them avid traders. Most merchants visit they mountainside city of Dun'duldoon for nigh indestructable dwarvish tools, weapons, and armors.
There's also a strange band of dwarves that have recently surfaced after disappearing hundreds of years ago. Little is known about these "Lost Dwarves" except that they are a peculiar bunch with and affinity for worms and moles...

Elemental energy permeates the world of Chibu and manifests in countless untold ways. Across the landscapes this living force accepts no limitations, appearing in whatever forms it sees fit. Elemental energy might take the form of a creature, or even fuse with it, creating powerful animentals such as the dreaded Tree-Rex! Some ancient elementals that lived for centuries among Chibans have even learned their language and secrets.
Elemental energy can also be directed by Chiban elementalists, stored in gemstones, infused into enchant items, and who knows what else...
Much research is constantly being done peoples across Chibu to understand this profound power.