Mana reread the letter his father had sent from Gyptia a year earlier. His father certainly had a knack for disappearing; that was his thing, but never without leaving word. Mana had a feeling that something was wrong.
His father, Jackson Jones, was a legend in the world of archaeology and elementology, famous across all of Chibu for his discoveries of priceless treasures… But this time, he hadn’t returned.
Around him, other passengers could be heard, for yes, Mana was aboard an elemental earth transport turtle, an improbable cross between a ferry and a walking mountain, connecting the Kingdom to the mysterious Gyptia.
On this massive creature bustled a heterogeneous crowd: well-off citizens from the Kingdom, packed as carefully as porcelain figurines, already dreaming of exotic landscapes and fine dishes in Gyptia; and less fortunate adventurers, but just as determined, with empty pockets hoping to be filled by the elemental stones and precious metals that this strange land offered to those who knew where to look.
"Mana!" A female voice suddenly pulled him out of his thoughts. It was Mälwe, a young elven archaeologist who had recruited him at the Kingdom's great library two months earlier to accompany her in search of a mysterious sapphire in Gyptia. She was fiercely determined, capable of moving mountains—or at least, going around them with persistence. This was a lucky break for Mana, who needed to go there anyway to follow his father’s trail, and besides, it was his first archaeological adventure.
Mälwe: "We’re about to land! Get your things ready!"
Mana snapped out of his worries and began checking his gear. "Rope, water bottle, knife... But where is he?" he muttered, frantically rummaging through his pockets.
"Sparko?" he called out, still searching himself. Then, a small lizard, glowing with a soft light, emerged from his hat, looking as satisfied as a cat after a successful raid. "Ah, there you are, you little rascal!" Mana said with a smile. Sparko, the light elemental lizard, was more than just a companion; he was a gift from his father, a precious link to him.

Meanwhile, Mälwe was scanning the surroundings as they disembarked. "I took the liberty of finding us a local guide," she announced.
"Perfect!" replied Mana. "What's his name?"
"Aranon," she replied.
Suddenly, a frail man appeared before them. "Are you looking for Master Aranon? Allow me to lead you to him. It would be an honor!"
Mana and Mälwe exchanged skeptical glances. But, having no better option, they decided to follow the strange individual. He led them through the bustling markets of the nearest town, where water elementals in all shapes could be seen, from animal-like creatures to humanoid servants. The wealthy Gyptians seemed to enjoy these aquatic servants, while children played with water kittens, which sometimes turned into puddles when overly excited.
Merchants were shouting the virtues of their gleaming stones and sapphires of varying quality. The scents of food filled the air, sometimes sweet and sugary, sometimes spicy enough to make a troll cry. The brightly colored houses contrasted with the desert landscape surrounding the city, and monuments adorned with battle scenes reminded everyone of the country’s warlike past.
The guide finally led them into a local tavern. "Master Aranon will join you shortly. Make yourselves comfortable, order food and drink. The stew is especially delicious, if I may say so," he said before disappearing.
"What a strange character..." muttered Mana, slightly unsettled. "But anyway, I’m hungry. Let’s order." Mälwe silently nodded in agreement, still alert.
The stoic tavern keeper seemed irritated by their order. Around them, the other patrons watched them with insistent eyes, an ominous sign. Mälwe discreetly tightened her grip on her combat staff, while Mana, trembling slightly, prepared to grab his knife.
Even Sparko, nestled in Mana’s hat, followed the scene with anxious eyes, ready to spring into action.
Mälwe: "Why do I have the feeling they know why we’re here?"
Mana: "No idea…"
Just then, the tavern door swung open. A massive, hooded figure stood on the threshold, casting a large shadow.
"You..." he growled, looking directly at Mana and Mälwe, his voice echoing through the tavern.